Parker Minne - California Employment Attorneys





Parker & Minne - California Employment Attorneys Advocating for Employees Throughout California


Parker & Minne specializes in representing employees in disputes against their current or former employers.  Our attorneys have litigated against employers of all sizes and industries as well as the most reputable defense firms in the nation. Our advocacy has resulted in the recovery of millions of dollars on behalf of California employees.

If you have been the victim of wage theft, harassment, discrimination, retaliation, or wrongful termination, contact us for a free initial consultation today. We work on a contingency basis, which means YOU PAY NOTHING unless we obtain a monetary settlement or verdict in your favor.



We understand how stressful it can be when you have been mistreated at work.  Our attorneys have dedicated their careers to seeking justice for employees who have been treated unfairly.  Each client comes to us with unique experiences, and we are committed to providing legal counsel that is tailored to our clients’ needs.  Every client is treated with integrity, dedication, and respect.

At Parker & Minne, we guide our clients through the legal process from start to finish. When you contact our office, you will speak to one of our experienced attorneys, who will ask you detailed questions about your employment matter to determine whether our firm will be a good fit for your case.  We will discuss your expectations and explain the options available to you if you retain our firm - from attempting to resolve the dispute informally with your employer to proceeding with a lawsuit.  As your case progresses, we will keep you updated along the way and welcome you to call, email, or text us whenever you want to discuss your case.

Take the first step in getting your owed wages and the justice you deserve by contacting us today.  We welcome the opportunity to champion your rights and those of other hard-working Californians.

Parker Minne - Employment Attorneys - Experienced and Compassionate Representation

Parker Minne - Employment Attorneys - Frequently Asked Questions


  • Parker & Minne provides initial consultations free of charge.

  • When you have your initial consultation, you will speak with one of our experienced employment attorneys. We will ask you many questions about your legal issue, ask you what your goals and expectations are, and let you know whether we can take your case. We will answer any questions you might have about our law firm. Having a list of questions prepared in advance can help you decide if our firm is the right fit for you.

    In order for us to accurately assess your case and obtain the best possible outcome, it is important that you are completely forthright about your employment experiences during your initial consultation. This includes being truthful and disclosing information that you believe may harm your claims. Even if you have experiences in your past that do not cast you in the best light, that doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t have viable legal claims. However, it is important that your attorney is aware of these issues ahead of time so they can be prepared to address them in advance.

    Depending on the nature of your employment issues, we may ask you to provide additional information or documents in order to fully evaluate your case. If we decline to take on your case, we recommend that you promptly connect with another experienced employment attorney who may be able to represent you.

  • Absolutely. This website provides examples of the type of claims our firm most commonly handles, but is not exhaustive. Our attorneys have experience handling a wide range of legal matters, some of which are not listed on this site. The best way to ascertain if we can help you is to call our office and speak with our attorneys directly regarding your specific concerns. If it turns out you are dealing with a legal issue that is outside our area of expertise, we can provide you with resources for finding another attorney who may be able to assist you.

  • Parker & Minne handles cases on a contingency basis. This means we do not charge our clients any fees until we secure a monetary recovery on their behalf, typically either through court judgment or settlement. For cases that are brought on an individual basis, our fees are calculated as a percentage of the total monetary recovery paid by the employer. Our fees are taken from the payment made by the employer, which means that our clients do not have to write a check to us directly. At the conclusion of a matter, we provide a breakdown of the total fees and costs, so that our clients know what to expect when they receive their check from the employer.

    In class action and representative action cases, our fees are typically calculated as a percentage of the total monetary recovery paid to the class. Our attorneys' fees and costs must be approved by the Court. You will not be responsible for directly paying these fees and costs, as they will be paid by the defendant out of the common fund.

  • Most legal claims must be filed within a certain period time. The legal term for this deadline is the “statute of limitations.” The statute of limitations varies depending on the claim. It can be as short as one year or less from the date of the incident giving rise to your claim, or as long as four years or more. For this reason, if you believe your rights were violated, it is important that you promptly seek legal advice from an experienced attorney to make sure your claims are timely filed, or they may be time-barred.

  • Employment claims are extremely complicated, and there are several factors that can affect the amount of money that may or may not be recovered. The value of your claims will ultimately depend on the specific circumstances of your case. We can never guarantee any kind of recovery.

  • Yes. If you decide to file a class action lawsuit, you have a fiduciary duty to the other unnamed class members. This means that you agree to consider the interests of the class just as you would consider your own interests, and in some cases must put the interests of the class before your own. You must also share any monetary recovery from the case with the other members of the class. You are not required to be particularly sophisticated or knowledgeable about the law to file a class action, but should follow the progress of the lawsuit, actively participate as necessary, and cooperate with your attorneys to achieve the best possible result for the class.

The justice system can be complex and intimidating. Parker & Minne is here to help. We believe all employees deserve affordable access to the legal system. We work on a contingency basis. This means you pay nothing unless we prevail at trial or obtain a settlement on your behalf.

If you believe your legal rights have been violated, contact us today for a free confidential consultation with an experienced attorney.

700 South Flower Street, Suite 1000
Los Angeles, California 90017

(310) 882-6833